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WORDS OF GRATITUDE | Covid19 Vaccines

1st July 2021 | Kanam Vaiphei.


I would like to use this platform to express my heartfelt gratitude to the District Health Society, Churachandpur for organising a Mass Covid Vaccination Drive at Mualngat Village under the kind initiative of Dr.Thanglalmuang, MO, Saikot PHC, Churachandpur; Upa Dr.Paulunmang Vaiphei, DFWO, DIO, Churachandpur and ADC Vaccination Team. Mualngat Village housed only few number of people, however, the team takes the trouble to come to my little village and vaccinate its insignificant population. We, Mualngatians, will be indebted to the team for the importance and care that we have encountered today(01/07/2021).

May the Almighty God bless the team and protect wherever you go to be a blessing to others as well. Thank you so much. In our prayers 🙏

Ginlalthuam Vaiphei
Chief of Mualngat Village,
Churachandpur District,

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