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Vaiphei Officers’ Forum(VOF) meeting decision to provide Scheme of Cash Incentive Award to Vaiphei Candidate who passed UPSC

Minutes of Meeting of Executive Meeting of Vaiphei Officers’ Forum held at Pu Lamsei Baite’s residence on the 2nd October 2021

At the outset of meeting, the Chairman VOF Pu Lamsei Baite welcomed all the members present at the meeting. The following members were present :
1) Pu Lamsei Baite
2) Pu S Gentinlian Vaiphei
3l Pu Khailiansang Vaiphei
4) Pu G Kamminlun Vaiphei
5) Nk S Mercy Suantak
6) Nk Bonnie Neihsial
7) Tv Mangminlian Vaiphei

The members present proposed various agendas to be discussed for consideration. Upon discussion, the following resolutions are made, as given below :
1. Scheme of Cash Incentive Award to any Vaiphei Candidate who passed UPSC Combined Civil Services Preliminary Exam (w.e.f 2021) with an amount of Rs 10,000/. The award shall be given only once to each candidate, hence he or she shall not be eligible to claim the award for passing the preliminary exam again. Fund shall be debited from VOF Fund. This is to encourage many Vaipheis to take up such prestigious examination. Proper detailed notice of scheme to be published accordingly.

2) Collection of membership fee from Vaiphei Officers for FY 2021-22. Updated List of officers to be circulated later along with official intimation for fee collection. Payment to go online mode as much as possible such as Google Pay , or any other online transfer. Required details such as VOF registered mobile number to VoF Bank AC, QR Code or AC number to be published.

3) Post condolence to (L) Pu Kamlam Vaiphei and (L) Pu Ngamlal Baite to be done shortly.

4) Treasurer post assigned to Ms Mercy Suantak along with the post of the Asst Secretary, VOF.

5) VOF decided to organise Interaction Programme with office bearers of top Vaiphei CSOs namely Vaiphei Peoples’ Council (General Headquarters), Young Vaiphei Association ( General Headquarters & Joint Headquarters), Zillai ( General Headquarters), Vaiphei Literature Society and Vaiphei Artistes Association.

6) the meeting decided to organise the Silver Jubilee of Vaiphei Officers’ Forum to commemorate its 25th years of its establishment during January 2022.

The Chairman thanked all members present, and closed the meeting with words of prayer.


(Mangminlian Vaiphei)
Secretary, VOF


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