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CONDOLENCE MESSAGE | Pu Ngamkholal Baite, EX – MDC and Advisor to Chairman ADC Chandel

Vaiphei People's Council(VPC)

Office of the
K. Sabi Block
Chandel, District Manipur

4th August 2021

With utmost grief and sorrow the VAIPHEI PEOPLE’S COUNCIL, K. Sabi Block condoles the sudden and untimely demise of one of its active leader and strong supporter Pu Ngamkholal Baite, EX – MDC and Advisor to Chairman ADC Chandel and Chief of Sugnu Tribal village, Chandel District, Manipur on the 3rd of August 2021 at RIMS Imphal. In his death a big vaccum is created in the Vaiphei People’s Council, K. Sabi Block as we have lost a friend, a leader, a guide and a dedicated chief.

We express our heartfelt condolences to the bereaved family and pray that the Almighty God comfort each and every grieving member of the family and near and dear ones.

General Secretary,
Vaiphei People’s Council,
K. Sabi Block
Chandel District, Manipur

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